If You Will Be Hosting Formal Dinners at Your Residence, We Can Properly Train Your Staff Members…
We now offer an intensive Formal Dinner Service Program at our venue or right in your own residence. Your staff will be trained by a Professor of Culinary Arts with over 30 years of experience.
Hamptons Employment Agency’s intensive Formal Dinner Training Program runs approximately four hours. The Formal Dinner Service Program will train your domestic staff in the following topics:
- Serving-ware needed
- Place settings
- Pre-meal setup
- Order of service
- Beverage service
- Napkin folding
- Post-meal cleanup
The Formal Dinner Service Program is intended for Housekeepers, Housemen, House Managers, or any other domestic staff member who you have in mind. Attendees will receive a Certificate upon successful completion of the class.
When you train your domestic staff with Hamptons Employment Agency, you can be confident that your employees will gain the sophisticated professional training that you would expect. The Formal Dinner Service Program is conducted by Gary Wood, Associate Professor of Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management at Suffolk County Community College.
A graduate of The Pennsylvania State University’s School of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management, Professor Wood has an extensive background in the hospitality industry His nearly 20 year tenure with Marriott International afforded him the opportunity to work at seven hotels (including opening four hotels from pre-construction) in New Jersey, Long Island and New York City where he held positions as Sous Chef, Director of Restaurants, Banquet Maitre’d, Director of Catering, and Director of Sales.
Locally, Professor Wood was the Director of Sales and Marketing at The Southampton Inn, and was General Manager at The Montauk Yacht Club. He has also been General Manager for two New York Times 3-star-rated East End restaurants, including The Plaza Café in Southampton and the Jedediah Hawkins Inn and Restaurant in Jamesport.
Due to the high quality of our professional services, Hamptons Employment Agency has been quoted in magazines such as Hamptons Magazine and Urbanette, and we were awarded Dan’s Papers’ Best of the Best Award – Platinum / #1 – from 2012-2022 for the Domestic Agency Category.
Hamptons Employment Agency’s Formal Dinner Service Program will be held multiple times throughout the summer. In addition, private formal dinner service training sessions can be conducted right in your own residence.
Contact us today for class dates and times, to schedule a private training session, or for additional information.
Hamptons Office: 631-204-1100
New York City Office: 212-810-9828
Boston Office: 617-865-5888
Florida Office: 561-560-0001
Or, use our brief and easy online Staffing Inquiry Form.